Five of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (2024)

Five of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (1)

Upright Meaning Guide

Five of Wands Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings:

Conflict, fighting, arguments, rows, disagreements, struggle, opposition, battles, aggression, temper, clashing personalities/egos, strikes, chaos, unruliness, being defensive/ territorial, assertive, pent up energy/aggression, lack of control/ cooperation, frustration, irritation, competition, adrenaline, sports, being rough, petty

General Meaning and Interpretation(Upright)

In a general context, the Five of Wands represents rows, arguments, conflict, fighting and disagreements. It signifies struggle, opposition, battles, aggression and temper. This Minor Arcana card represents clashing personalities or egos, pent up energy and aggression, irritation and frustration. You can expect a lack of cooperation, lack of control, pettiness, strikes, chaos or unruliness when it appears in your Tarot reading. It can also represent being rough, defensive or territorial and can signify competition and sports.

Love & Relationships (Upright)

In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Five of Wands can represent rows, arguments, conflict and fighting. You and your partner may not see eye-to eye when it appears. This Minor Arcana card indicates that frustration, irritation and pent up aggression or competitiveness may be leading to disagreements in the relationship. Some couples thrive on a fiery relationship and rows and struggles keep them interested. If this is your type relationship then it may not be a bad omen. However, if you prefer a harmonious relationship then this card would indicate that you need to get your tempers under control, listen to each other, cooperate and compromise. Pettiness, egotistical behaviour and getting one up on each other will not help your relationship to progress. If you are single, the Five of Wands can indicate that you love life is a bit chaotic at the moment. This card would usually indicate that various suitors will be competing for your attention! Enjoy the attention but don’t string it out too much or it could turn nasty.

Money & Career(Upright)

In a career Tarot spread, the Five of Wands can represent conflict or competition in the workplace and can indicate strikes and chaos. You might find yourself having personality clashes with colleagues or having to compete for clients or projects or just to get noticed. Success is yours for the taking but you will have to fight for it. There are a lot of big egos to contend with. This Minor Arcana card would come up for those working in competitive or cut throat industries such as sales, PR, stock broking etc. It can also represent a career as a professional sports person. It can also signify creative clashes so you might find yourself hammering out some new ideas with your team when it appears. In a financial Tarot reading, the Five of Wands indicates that you may have a bit of a financial struggle on your hands at the moment. It is not a permanent one. In the short term, you may just have to fight to get your finances to where you want them to be. It can also indicate conflict with others around money such as arguments about overspending with a romantic partner or business partner or having to fight for a refund for a purchase you were unhappy with.

Health (Upright)

In a health Tarot reading, the Five of Wands can represent battling with or successfully fighting off an illness. It can also be an indication that you need reduce your adrenaline and stress levels or you may leave yourself prone to stress related illnesses such as high blood pressure. The Five of Wands can also signify injuries received while playing aggressive or contact sports.


In a spiritual context, the Five of Wands indicates that you are experiencing a great deal of spiritual conflict that is clouding your ability to see your path. If you are attempting to develop your intuitive side you may find it difficult to put aside your ego and the negative voices that discourage you. You need to find harmony within yourself first.

Five of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (2)

Reversed Meaning Guide

Five of Wands Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings:

Compromise, end of conflict/ row/ struggle, reaching agreements, peace, harmony, battle fatigue, fear of confrontation, shyness, intimidation, suppressed temper, finding solutions, cooperation, control, focus, order, lack of competition, war, looking for an argument, extreme aggression, short fuse, cancelled sports event

General meaning and interpretation(Reversed)

In a general context, the Five of Wands reversed represents the end of rows, arguments, conflict, fighting and disagreements. It signifies ending struggles, finding common ground or solutions, reaching agreements, compromise, cooperation, peace and harmony. This Minor Arcana card reversed can also represent battle fatigue, fear of confrontation, shyness, suppressing your temper and feeling intimidated. Cooperation, control, focus and order may be possible when it appears in your Tarot reading. Alternatively, it can represent all-out war, looking for an argument, extreme aggression and having a short fuse. It can also signify sports events being cancelled.

Love & Relationships(Reversed)

In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Five of Wands reversed can represent an ending of rows, arguments, conflict or fighting. You and your partner may be starting to turn a corner after a period of turbulence in the relationship. This Minor Arcana card reversed can indicate that you have found common ground and solutions to your issues and that has led to peace and harmony in the relationship. It can also indicate one or both of you may have learned to suppress your tempers and cooperate. However, the card reversed can also signify an abusive relationship as it can represent feeling intimidated, extreme aggression, a lover with a short fuse and fear of confrontation. If that is the case, you should contact organisations who can help or family and friends for support immediately. Don’t suffer in silence! If you are single, the Five of Wands reversed can indicate that your love life is lacking passion or spark at the moment. You may find that you’ve gone from having many potential suitors to having none as things have fizzled out or you find yourself feeling shy or intimidated by the dating world. Don’t be afraid, get out there and meet new people. What have you got to lose?

Money & Career(Reversed)

In a career Tarot spread, the Five of Wands reversed can represent the ending of conflict or competition in the workplace. You and your colleagues may join forces to complete an important project and all competitiveness is put aside to work as a team and get the job done. Success in this instance comes from a team effort and everyone is one the same page. This reversed Minor Arcana card can also represent turning away from working in competitive or cut throat industries such as sales, PR, stock broking, etc. It can also represent being so fearful of appearing too competitive or ruffling anyone’s feathers that you keep your ideas to yourself or don’t fight for what you want. In a financial Tarot reading, the Five of Wands reversed can represent coming through a financial struggle. Money issues should be easing when this card appears in your Tarot spread. However, it can also indicate an escalation in issues as you need to fight even harder to get your finances under control. It can also indicate a resolution or escalation of conflict with others around money. Look to supporting cards to confirm.

Health (Reversed)

In a health Tarot reading, the Five of Wands reversed can represent unsuccessfully trying to fight off an illness. It can also signify that failing to get your stress levels under control may be leading you to more serious medical problems like heart attack or stroke. It can also represent serious injuries received while playing aggressive or contact sports.

Spirituality (Reversed)

In a spiritual context, the Five of Wands reversed indicates that your previous inner conflict has been resolved leaving you more focused with a sense of inner peace, calm and harmony.

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Five of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.